Juliacon 2024

Maarten Pronk

I'm a researcher at Deltares and an external PhD candidate in the 3dgeoinfo research group at the Delft University of Technology. I have earned a Master of Science degree in Geomatics with honors.

My research concerns elevation modelling, especially in lowlands prone to coastal flooding. I aim to combine my interests in remote sensing and software engineering for societal impact. Currently, I'm working on applying data from ICESat-2—a lidar satellite—on global elevation models.


JuliaGeo BoF: shared interfaces and plans for geospatial julia
Rafael Schouten, Maarten Pronk, Felix Cremer

The Julia ecosystem for handling geospatial data and analysis is growing and improving. This is a session for anyone interested in geo in Julia to meet package contributors and users to discuss future direction and collaboration efforts.

In this community building session we aim to:

  • Hear what people are doing in Julia and Geo
  • Develop group goals and common understanding for ecosystem coherence
  • Uncover gaps and rough edges in the ecosystem
  • Lower the barrier to getting involved
Struct (1.4)
What’s new with GeoInterface.jl: traits for interoperability
Rafael Schouten, Maarten Pronk

GeoInterface.jl aims to streamline working with geospatial vector data for users and developers of Julia packages. The package describes a set of traits based on the Simple Features standard. Using these traits it is easy to parse, serialize and use different geometries in the Julia ecosystem, without knowing the specifics of each package. GeoInterface is like Tables.jl, but for geometries. Lately, we have made improvements to conversion, plotting, and plan support for projections, among others.

Method (1.5)
Hydrological modelling in Julia with Wflow.jl and Ribasim.jl
Martijn Visser, Maarten Pronk

We introduce two hydrological numerical models in Julia, developed at Deltares. Wflow is a distributed hydrological modelling platform, including different vertical and lateral concepts. Ribasim is a water resources model, solving the water balance equation for regional surface waters, allowing users to solve water allocation questions. We explain why we (re)wrote Wflow and Ribasim, which were originally coded in respectively Python and Fortran and discuss why we keep most processing in Python.

Earth and climate science in Julia: Power to the user
While Loop (4.2)