Juliacon 2024

Luca Bonaldo

I am a research software engineer in the Princeton Research Computing department and a member of the ZERO Lab led by Prof. Jesse D. Jenkins since 2023. Before joining Princeton University, I graduated as a Ph.D. student in the Science of Advanced Materials from Central Michigan University. During my doctoral studies, my primary project involved developing new software to simulate electronic transport phenomena for application in thermoelectric energy conversion. Before pursuing my Ph.D., I worked as a software engineer on real-time processing algorithms for automatic quality control of industrial products based on artificial neural networks. My professional background is in high-performance computing and physics.


GenX: a high-performance tool for electricity system planning
Luca Bonaldo

The global electricity system is significantly transforming due to national and international efforts to reduce carbon emissions. To support the decision-making process in this changing electricity landscape, we have developed GenX, an open-source, highly configurable electricity resource capacity expansion model written in Julia and JuMP. The software allows the creation of different scenarios and optimization based on physical, operational, and policy constraints.

Method (1.5)