Juliacon 2024

Bart De Clerck

Bart DE CLERCK has a background in engineering and works as a teaching assistant within the SMAC (Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Complex systems) unit of the Department of Mathematics at the Royal Military Academy (RMA). He’s also pursuing a joint PhD between the RMA and Ghent University (Complex Systems Institute). His main research areas are network science and AI applications for intelligence.


MaxEntropyGraphs.jl: Random Graphs with JuliaGraphs
Bart De Clerck

MaxEntropyGraphs.jl introduces robust graph randomization to Julia using maximum entropy models. It enables the generation of unbiased null models from real networks for hypothesis testing. The package is completely integrated with JuliaGraphs ecosystem and enables researchers to generate random graphs that preserve specific properties, facilitates hypothesis testing and the exploration of network metrics, making it a valuable tool for network scientists.

Method (1.5)