Juliacon 2024

Lilith Hafner

I am an artist, scientist, and developer, with a specialty in sorting. Lately I've been exploring how to improve the Julia contributor experience.


State of Julia 2024
Kristoffer Carlsson, Lilith Hafner, Elliot Saba

It is time again to take a look at what new exciting things have happened with Julia; the language, the package ecosystem and the community. Join us as we explore these advancements and celebrate the progress of Julia in 2024.

REPL (2, main stage)
The `public` keyword and how public APIs work in Julia
Lilith Hafner

A well defined public API enables users to update a package with confidence that their code will not break and lets IDEs and the REPL help users discover the public functionality of a package. This talk describes currently available mechanisms and community conventions for declaring a public API, highlights the new public keyword and its use in tooling, and discusses future work to help declare APIs more clearly and help folks respect APIs more easily.

Julia Internals and Tooling
REPL (2, main stage)
Python.jl—Seamlessly blend Python and Julia
Lilith Hafner

Python.jl takes seamless language blending to a new level, nearly creating a superset of Python and of Julia simultaneously. As an experiment on taking "just works" and "magical behavior" to the extreme, this package is not viable for use in critical applications but still provides insight on what is possible within a Julia package. In just a few hundred loc, this package uses dual parsing, language detection, and global variable transfer to create a remarkably native dual-language experience.

REPL (2, main stage)