Juliacon 2024

State of Julia 2024
07-10, 09:00–10:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

It is time again to take a look at what new exciting things have happened with Julia; the language, the package ecosystem and the community. Join us as we explore these advancements and celebrate the progress of Julia in 2024.

It is time again to take a look at what new exciting things have happened with Julia; the language, the package ecosystem and the community. Join us as we explore these advancements and celebrate the progress of Julia in 2024.

Software engineer for JuliaHub, worked on many open source projects including Pkg.jl, PackageCompiler.jl and Julia itself.

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I am an artist, scientist, and developer, with a specialty in sorting. Lately I've been exploring how to improve the Julia contributor experience.

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