Juliacon 2024

What's new with Makie.jl?
07-12, 12:10–12:20 (Europe/Amsterdam), If (1.1)

This talk will highlight the year's most interesting developments around Makie, the powerful and high-performance data visualization ecosystem written almost entirely in Julia.

Makie is Julia's most extensive and powerful "native" plotting ecosystem, where everything but the lowest level drawing routines is written in Julia. This also makes it one of the most flexible and hackable systems to build interactive or static data visualizations with. It supports gpu-accelerated rendering on desktops and in web browsers, vector graphics, as well as experimental ray tracing.

Makie has seen a lot of development in the last year, and in this talk, we'll summarize the most important aspects for you. Get inspired by the cool things people are creating with Makie right now, and get excited by what's in store for the next year!

Simon is the creator of Makie.jl, Bonito.jl and a few other Julia packages.
He is currently mainly working on Plotting, general Graphics and Geometry infrastructure, ML and GPU computing in Julia.
Originally, he studied Cognitive Science and started programming Julia full time more than 10 years ago.

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Product Engineer at Pumas AI
Co-author and co-maintainer of Makie.jl
Creator of packages like Chain.jl, DataFrameMacros.jl and ReadableRegex.jl

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