Juliacon 2024

The cryptography packages in Julia ๐Ÿ”: What is missing?
07-10, 14:00โ€“14:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Cryptography is a necessity for everyday life as well as for industrial applications. However, Julia packages seem to be lagging behind. What can we do about this?

This is an analysis and comparison of the existing packages in Julia and what is needed to be as complete as other programming languages, e.g. python and rust.

Python has a plethora of cryptographic packages that are very easy to use and are widespread. This for sure has helped on python adoption. Sometimes vendors write solutions in their preferred programming language, e.g. Java, C, C#, etc, and also they go out of their way to also have a python version.
Other languages like Rust and Go also have a large cryptography ecosystem, sometimes more than one package for the same application.

In this talk I will survey the current state of cryptographic packages that are available in Julia and what in my opinion is needed to enable julia wider adoption in other areas besides scientific computing.