Juliacon 2024

Why I use Julia for Quantum Computing
07-12, 17:10–18:10 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Quantum computing is an emerging field, with a variety of hardware platforms in development and proposed applications. We will review some of these hardware approaches and quantum algorithms in a way accessible to experts in classical computing, discussing the challenges that lie ahead for practical applications of quantum technology. Finally, we'll discuss the role Julia and its community can play in the field and opportunities to fix some of what Julia lacks in this area.

Quantum computing is an emerging field, with a variety of hardware platforms in development and proposed applications. We will review some of these hardware approaches and quantum algorithms in a way accessible to experts in classical computing, discussing the challenges that lie ahead for practical applications of quantum technology. Finally, we'll discuss the role Julia and its community can play in the field and opportunities to fix some of what Julia lacks in this area.

See also: Slides (6.3 MB)