Juliacon 2024

Gatlab: Computer Algebra and Standard ML modules combined
07-11, 16:30–17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), For Loop (3.2)

What do computer algebra and Standard ML-style module systems have in common? In this talk, we will answer this question via exploration of GATlab.jl, a new package spun off of the GAT (generalized algebraic theories) system from Catlab. Rather than focusing on the mathematics of GATs, we will give a practical introduction on how to use GATlab as both a computer algebra system and a Standard ML-style module system, and how each use complements the other.

The core idea of GATlab is the following. Consider the following module signature in OCaml.

module type MONOID =
    type t
    val zero : t
    val add : (t, t) -> t

A module can be said to "implement" this signature if the module contains a type t along with a "zero value" for t and a function which adds two elements of t.

    type t = int
    let zero = 0
    let add (x, y) = x + y

However, we could also interpret that signature in a different way: we could interpret it as a specification for syntax trees. Specifically, we could make a data structure which looks like the following (we now switch back to Julia)

abstract type MonoidTerm{T} end

eltype(t::MonoidTerm{T}) where {T} = T

struct Zero{T} <: MonoidTerm{T}

struct Add{T} <: MonoidTerm{T}

struct Val{T} <: MonoidTerm{T}

We can then make implementations using multiple dispatch

abstract type Monoid{T} end

struct IntMonoid <: Monoid{Int}

zero(::IntMonoid) = 0
add(::IntMonoid, x::Int, y::Int) = x + y

Using such a "module" of type Monoid{T}, we can interpret any MonoidTerm{T} to produce a T! That is, we can write a function

function interpret(M::Monoid{T}, t::MonoidTerm{T}) where {T}
  if t isa Zero
  elseif t isa Add
    add(M, interpret(M, t.lhs), interpret(M, t.rhs))
  elseif t isa Val

If we build a signature+module system from the ground up using macros and multiple dispatch, we can also build in these syntax trees and corresponding interpreters. It is also possible to compile a syntax tree to a Julia function.

GATlab is an implementation of this... and significantly more. First of all, one can add laws to a signature to produce a theory (theory = signature + laws).

@theory ThMonoid begin
  add(x::T, y::T)::T
  add(x, zero) == x  [x::T]
  add(zero, x) == x  [x::T]
  add(add(x, y), z) == add(x, add(y, z))  [x::T, y::T, z::T]

We call a law-abiding implementation of the signature of a theory a model of that theory.

Now, we cannot statically check that a model of a theory satisfies the laws, but the laws do provide a principled way of doing rewriting on the syntax trees associated to a signature. We use e-graphs to perform this rewriting, with a custom type-aware implementation.

The mathematics behind all of this is studied within universal algebra. Many of the features of ML-style module systems have analogues within universal algebra. For instance, one can build up complex theories via inheriting simpler theories, or create maps between theories (analogous to ML-style functors), and these operations on theories can be used to generate new models from old ones.

However, universal algebra cannot capture certain structures important for our work in Catlab, first and foremost categories. To support categories, we upgrade from algebraic theories to generalized algebraic theories (or GATs, which is where the name of GATlab comes from), as introduced by Cartmell. These support theories with dependent types, which looks like the following

@theory ThCategory begin
  Hom(dom, codom)::TYPE  [dom::Ob, codom::Ob]
  id(a::Ob)::Hom(a, a)
  compose(f::Hom(a, b), g::Hom(b, c))::Hom(a, c)  [a::Ob, b::Ob, c::Ob]
  compose(f, id(b)) == g  [a::Ob, b::Ob, f::Hom(a, b)]

Just like with algebraic theories, we can work with syntax trees, we can write interpreters, and we can programmatically manipulate models.

GATlab can be compared to frameworks like MMT, but with the ability to have models compute fast. Another comparison would be to Julia libraries like Symbolics.jl. Symbolics.jl is far more advanced for traditional computer algebra, but the underlying assumption is that variables are some sort of number, while GATlab does not assume this. Finally, we might compare with Julia libraries like WhereTraits.jl which add traits/typeclasses to Julia. GATlab differs from these in being more similar to Standard ML modules rather than Haskell typeclasses or Rust traits, and in its CAS aspects. We hope to learn from these other projects and integrate their strengths as GATlab evolves.

In this talk, we will give an introduction to GATlab from a practical perspective, showing how to work with simple theories and modules, and emphasizing the connection (as described above) between computer algebra and module systems.