Juliacon 2024

PyramidScheme.jl overviews for larger than memory arrays
07-10, 15:05–15:15 (Europe/Amsterdam), Function (4.1)

PyramidScheme.jl is a package to easily and efficiently compute pyramids of an array which might be larger than RAM.
PyramidScheme.jl provides the Pyramid struct to handle the layers of a pyramid.
A pyramid is a collection of subarrays of a larger array so that every layer is half the size in every dimension so that pixels are combined to get to the next level of the pyramid.
These different layers allow to lazily give an overview of the data without having to load the whole array into memory.

PyramidScheme.jl allows to efficiently compute these Pyramids and to interactively plot them with the Makie.jl ecosystem.
PyramidScheme.jl is based on the DiskArrays.jl for the handling of larger than memory arrays and on DiskArrayEngine.jl for the computations on these arrays.
In the future, we plan to be able to lazily define computations on DiskArrays so that these computations are only applied to the pixels that are currently used in the interactive plot.

In this talk we will show how to use PyramidScheme.jl to easily and efficiently compute the Pyramids from a given DiskArray and how to then interactively plot these Pyramids using Makie.jl.

See also: Github

Felix Cremer received his diploma in mathematics from the University of Leipzig in 2014. In 2016 he started his PhD study on time series analysis of hypertemporal Sentinel-1 radar data.
He is interested in the use of irregular time series tools on Synthetic Aperture Radar data to derive more robust information from these data sets.
He worked on the development of deforestation mapping algorithms and on flood mapping in the amazon using Sentinel-1 data.
He currently works at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry on the development of the JuliaDataCubes ecosystem in the scope of the NFDI4Earth project. The JuliaDataCubes organisation provides easy to use interfaces for the use of multi dimensional raster data

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I am a physicist by training and am currently studying Global Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth System using Remote Sensing, Meteorological and other data sets based at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.
My first commit to my first Julia package dates back to the year 2012 and since then I have authored and contributed to packages in the Julia Geodata and processing ecosystem, examples are NetCDF.jl, Zarr.jl, DiskArrays.jl, YAXArrays.jl EarthDataLab.jl and others. Some may know me under my github tag @meggart

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