Juliacon 2024

๐ŸŽˆ Featured Pluto notebooks: submit your own!
07-10, 19:00โ€“19:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), While Loop (4.2)

This poster presents featured Pluto notebooks: a curated collection of Pluto notebooks (interactive Julia notebooks) that can be viewed in Pluto or online.

The featured notebooks are intended to onboard new Julia programmers, and to highlight the diversity of work in the Julia community. Featured notebooks are open to submissions from Julia developers of all skill levels; our presentation will showcase this platform to share your ideas and knowledge.

Pluto is a notebook-based Julia environment. It was initially designed to be especially suitable for students and beginners, but has since grown into one of the most popular IDEs for Julia programmers of all skill levels.

Featured notebooks are a collection of notebooks that can be viewed in Pluto or online (featured.plutojl.org).

Featured notebooks are a way to show users what they can do with Julia and Pluto. For budding programmers, this can mean a simple tutorial on how to use Pluto, or how to use arrays in Julia, but for more experienced programmers, featured notebooks can highlight how Julia is used in different fields, give examples of interactive visualisations that are free to reuse in your own work, or explain more advanced concepts to turn Julia scripts into interactive notebooks.

Featured notebooks are a curated collection; anyone can submit their work as a featured notebook, but submissions are reviewed to ensure new Pluto users won't encounter broken or unintelligible notebooks. We encourage Julia programmers to submit notebooks.

You don't need to be an expert to write a featured notebook! The notebooks are designed to help beginning Pluto users get underway with their own ideas; as such, short tutorials on basic Julia concepts, or short examples of neat ideas, are very much welcome, and are a great way to contribute to the Julia community when you're still learning yourself.

That said, we also very much welcome experienced Julia programmers to share their work. Featured notebooks can highlight how you use Julia in your domain, bring attention to a neat package, or share exercises that you created for a course.

The poster presentation will cover all need-to-know information about how to submit notebooks, and what is appropriate to submit. We will also provide some advice to notebook authors on creating engaging stand-alone notebooks. We will also happily answer your questions and discuss your ideas for potential submissions.