Juliacon 2024

NetSurvival.jl: A glimpse into relative survival analysis
07-10, 14:30–15:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), If (1.1)

The NetSurvival.jl package brings standard relative survival analysis modeling routines in Julia. Relative survival analysis is a branch of survival analysis where individuals are subject to two competing risks, but the cause of death is unknown, often for data quality reasons. In these circumstances, standard competing risks approaches are unusable and specific estimators and methods are used (e.g. Pohar-Perme net survival estimator, Graffeo's log-rank-type test among others).

Data arising from large cancer studies often lack reliable information about the cause of death (supposed binary: death from the studied cancer or from other causes) for each individual. Relative survival analysis is a subfield of survival analysis specifically targeted at this particular type of datasets. The field's goal is to extract survival curves that only takes into account the deaths from cancer, the so-called net survival curves, for comparison purposes between different groups or directly for diagnostic purposes. For that, a few standard estimators were established in the last 50 years, backed by a wide literature.

Standard tools nowadays are composed of R packages, with underlying C and C++ routines, that are hard to read, maintain, and globally use. This package is an attempt to provide a fast, reliable, but most importantly easily maintainable package to implement standard estimators and routines from the field onto the StatsModels.jl API. Our hope is that the junction with classical modeling API in Julia will allow later extensions of the existing modeling methods, with a simple interface for the practitioners.

In this talk, we present the current state of the implementation: the few tools and methods that were implemented, their integration into the Julian ecosystem, and we showcase the functionalities and performance of the implemented methods. We particularly note that the use of native Julia allows for concision and readability of the code.

I am currently an associate professor (maitre de conférence) in statistics at the SESSTIM in Marseille (France). Actuary by formation, I focus my researches on high dimensional statistics and dependence structures estimations, with a lot of applications in insurence, reinsurence, and more recently public health. I do have a taste for numerical code and open-source software, and most of my work is freely available on Github.

I am a statistics / data science master's student, currently doing my end of year internship at the SESSTIM in Marseille, France.