Juliacon 2024

Juliet&Romeo; making Julia a hard real-time robot language
07-10, 10:00–10:15 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Juliet is the first robot programming language that is low-latency real-time multitasking while
being safe and fully dynamic with automatic memory management as supported by the new
real-time virtual machine Romeo. Juliet&Romeo provides a Julia-compatible platform for
machine control, with digital twins and AI features co-existing as Julia packages.

Robots are machines that are system-programmable by robot producers and system
integrators, and then user-programmable by different means for defining the task at hand.
System programs have so far been written in unsafe languages like C++, also used for
implementing an interpreter for the user language. User languages have up to now
been programmatically very limited and specific for each robot brand, while on the
other hand supporting interactive motion programming quite well, including
simplified multi-tasking control and backwards execution as required for a
robot programming language. It is hereby announced a new more advanced take
on robot programming, with simplicity for non-programmers in mind:

Juliet is the first robot programming language that is low-latency real-time multitasking while
being safe and fully dynamic with automatic memory management as supported by the new
real-time virtual machine Romeo. Juliet&Romeo (1) provides a Julia-compatible platform for
machine control, with Digital Twins and AI features co-existing as Julia (2) packages.

(1) Juliet&Romeo is a registered trademark of Cognibotics AB and Estun Automation Co, Ltd.
(2) Julia is a registered trademark of Julia Computing Inc.