Juliacon 2024

Service monitoring with Prometheus.jl
07-12, 15:50–16:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system designed for reliability and scalability and is widely used to collect and analyze metrics from running systems and applications. In this talk I will present Prometheus.jl which is Prometheus client library written in Julia.

To collect metrics Prometheus pulls data from the server. In practice this means that Prometheus periodically sends an HTTP request to the server, and the server responds with the metrics it currently exposes. A metric can be almost anything, for example the total number of HTTP requests the server have received, or the total amount of allocated memory. On the server side it is thus necessary with a client library that gathers the metrics and responds to the HTTP request.

In this talk I will present the Julia client library Prometheus.jl which seemlessly enables Prometheus integration for services running Julia. I will showcase the available functionality and demonstrate how to integrate into an existing Julia application. Finally, as a case study, I will discuss how Prometheus.jl has been integrated into the global package server network behind Pkg.