Juliacon 2024

Infiltrator.jl - No-Overhead Breakpoints in Julia
07-11, 11:00–11:10 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Infiltrator.jl is a small utility package for interactively debugging performance sensitive Julia code with minimal runtime cost.

Most other debugging solutions for Julia either incur a significant runtime cost (JuliaInterpreter based debuggers) or bad ergonomics (println-based debugging is very limited in power, while gdb-based debuggers are very low-level compared to Julia code). Infiltrator.jl provides a middle ground -- it's a step up from println-debugging in that it provides an interactive REPL whenever a breakpoint is hit, but still functions at the source-code level without the runtime cost of an interpreter.

This talk will give a quick overview of Infiltrator.jl's implementation and showcase common workflows for debugging packages and applications.

Sebastian is a software engineer at JuliaHub focusing on tooling around Julia, including the JuliaHub platform and the Julia extension for VS Code, as well as various other contributions to the Julia ecosystem.

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