Juliacon 2024

Accelerate Insights: Code -> Slides, Faster!
07-10, 10:50–11:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), For Loop (3.2)

"Love Julia but hate PowerPoint? This is your solution!"

Discover how to effortlessly transform your lightning-fast Julia findings into easily shareable and reproducible insights. Despite Julia's speed, the process of turning results into compelling reports can be a headache with traditional tools like PowerPoint.

Hate turning your Julia findings into PowerPoint reports? I'll show you how Quarto and Literate.jl makes it easy to transform Julia code into polished reports in seconds!

"Love Julia but Hate PowerPoint? This talk is your solution!"

Discover how to effortlessly transform your lightning-fast Julia findings into easily shareable and reproducible insights. Despite Julia's speed, the process of turning results into compelling reports can be a headache with traditional tools like PowerPoint. And it's beginner friendly!

Enter Quarto – a brief overview reveals its potential for painless report creation. Learn how combining Quarto with Julia becomes a game-changer. Leveraging Literate.jl, we'll demonstrate how to supercharge your workflow, making the transition from raw code to polished report seamless.

The talk features a quick demo showcasing Quarto's features, emphasizing the simplicity of transforming Julia code into a polished, reproducible report in seconds. Join us and revolutionize the way you share and communicate your Julia-powered insights. No more PowerPoint headaches – just fast, shareable, and easily reproducible results.

See also:

A data analyst from London, fortunate enough to use Julia as my main language and to get to play with all the cool tools available! A real Julia convert hoping to share one or two cool tricks!