Juliacon 2024

Building Bridges with Julia
07-12, 10:30–11:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Sioux is a high-tech service provider in the brainport region. Its Mathware department has a long-standing history as a technology translator, linking novel research to real-world applications. In this talk, I will showcase how we are adopting the Julia language for this purpose.

Sioux is a high-tech service provider in the brainport region. Its Mathware department has a long-standing history as a technology translator, linking novel research to real-world applications. In this talk, I will showcase how we are adopting the Julia language for this purpose.

After obtaining my PhD in applied mathematics in 2015 and a short adventure as a postdoc, I joined Sioux Mathware as a Mathware Engineer in 2017. In that time I have done many projects solving mathematical problems for a wide variety of customers, but I have also started to focus more on the question of how the department as a whole can improve the quality of its deliverables. In this role, I have taken a keen interest in the Julia language, as it promises us to easily write software that is both legible and performant. Over the past year and a bit, this has materialized into contributing to the deployment of Julia at one of our customers. I am also busy building a cross-department Julia competence within Sioux.

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