Juliacon 2024

EverySingleStreet.jl: Explore your city using Julia
07-12, 10:20–10:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), While Loop (4.2)

EverySingleStreet.jl is a project to track your exploration status of your city of choice.
Discovering new parts of a city can expand your horizon. To keep track of this endeavour EverySingleStreet.jl is helping out behind the scenes such that you don't miss a single street.

In this talk I'll tell you about how to map GPS data points to actual streets as well as using a small web server to communicate with Strava all done to creating an art project of your progress.

Living in a city for a while with the same home and same workplace often results in taking the same route to work and having only a couple of different routes for a sunny weekend walk.

Why not explore more of the area you live in? Maybe even take it to the extreme and walk all of it. That's how this project came to be over a year ago. Exploring the whole of Hamburg, Germany on foot. A project that needs to be well planned and tracked. Software exists for everything so of course there are projects that help you out already. Though they all didn't meet my personal needs and maybe I just wanted to learn even more how to set up something like this myself.

That's why I created the EverySingleStreet.jl project to apply map matching to the GPS points I get via the Strava app, create my own map and display it using the OSMAnd app and much more.

The attached image shows my progress plotted by a pen plotter after one year of trying to walk every single street of Hamburg, Germany. So far 28% done!

See also:

I'm a software engineer using Julia full time at a startup called Zellerfeld. Our mission is to bring printed shoes on every foot in the world.
Besides that I love walking all streets of Hamburg, Germany and to achieve this goal create software which keeps me on track and motivated.