Juliacon 2024

Updates to Standard Library & The Native DSL of ModelingToolkit
07-10, 12:00–12:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), Else (1.3)

ModelingToolkit Standard Library has adopted several conventions to standardize model definition across Julia. And it has amassed new model libraries.
The new DSL interface for ModelingToolkit now supports arrays, branching and looping statements and more for building complicated models.
This talk showcases these.

New sub-libraries and additional components are added to the ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary (MSL). And the library has adopted sign convention for input components with through variables. These updates will be showcased here.

The ModelingToolkit now has a new DSL, @mtkmodel, which greatly simplifies defining models. While simple models are straightforward to define, with branching and looping statements, complicated components can be modeled too. This talk gives more insight into defining such models and interpreting the metadata, including understanding the internal representations of user inputs. This talk will also discuss best practices and conventions in defining components and models, and the interpretation of common error messages.

Additionally, this talk will introduce the macro @mtkbuild to assemble a ModelingToolkit model for solving.

This talk will be a short guide on all one has to know to use this DSL-based modeling. And it will be a discussion on using and contributing to the ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.

See also:

Brad Carman, Director of Consulting Services at JuliaHub, is a Mechanical Engineer with over 20 years of system modeling experience at ITW and Instron working on model based design and software applications for hydraulics, controls, heat transfer, vibrations, etc.

This speaker also appears in:

Venkateshprasad Bhat is an Electronics engineer and an avid Julia developer. He currently works at JuliaHub, Inc. He develops modeling and simulation tools and also improves package tooling in Julia. He frequently contributes to open source softwares. Additionally, he likes building robots - especially working on computer vision and electronic circuitry.