Juliacon 2024

Python.jl—Seamlessly blend Python and Julia
07-12, 14:30–15:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), REPL (2, main stage)

Python.jl takes seamless language blending to a new level, nearly creating a superset of Python and of Julia simultaneously. As an experiment on taking "just works" and "magical behavior" to the extreme, this package is not viable for use in critical applications but still provides insight on what is possible within a Julia package. In just a few hundred loc, this package uses dual parsing, language detection, and global variable transfer to create a remarkably native dual-language experience.

Slide link: https://raw.githack.com/LilithHafner/JuliaCon2024_Python_Talk/main/reveal.js/index.html

This talk will include demonstrations of Python.jl's capabilities; a description of how it enables those features; demonstrations of its failings and various tricky to reconcile differences between the two languages; and finally a discussion on what we can learn from a package like this. I hope that this talk will have impressive demos; a comedic air (as the package is of a lighthearted and exploratory nature); and provide insights into the possibilities uncovered when taking embedding DSLs into Julia to the extreme.

The source code is available for review at https://github.com/LilithHafner/Jokes/tree/main/Python

See also: GitHub

I am an artist, scientist, and developer, with a specialty in sorting. Lately I've been exploring how to improve the Julia contributor experience.

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