Juliacon 2024

🎈 Pluto - Teaching with Pluto
07-10, 15:30–16:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), Struct (1.4)

We would like to have an open discussion on "How to use Pluto for teaching" to discuss best didactic practise for teaching with Pluto for supervised and self-learning experience
The aim is to raise awareness for good teaching practise (design and instructions) to improve learning experience.

Open space, everyone welcome, spontaneous contributions welcome

Focus on users' learning experience in different setups:
1) guided in class (as homework, additional material and so on)
2) self-study (stumbled over the notebook in the web - MOOC like)

Discuss some sample notebooks from a didactic point of view (like 2).

Design and instructions for good learning experience depending on following factors:
- the setup (self or supervised)
- the audience
- expectation of passive reading or active coding

- Introduction of participants round (2 minutes each)
- Frame the two learning setups (and collect feedback) and the learner's journey
- Brainstorm Dos and Don's for each setup
- Review two sample notebooks together
- Harvest insights of good design and instructions

See also: Miro Board to share your Pluto lectures and notebooks

I like Julia, teaching, teaching Julia and teaching in Julia.

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Gerhard Dorn is a senior scientist at Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH in Austria with a background in mathematics and computational physics.
Within the project AI4CSM Gerhard works on LIDAR perception and the integration into the test vehicle Ford Mondeo.
Gerhard is an active member of the 🎈 Pluto.jl and ⚡ PlutoUI.jl development community and likes to organize workshops as community manager.

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