KVM Forum 2024

The Confidential Computing Story part II: Early development across the stack: living in stilt house
2024-09-22 , Hall C+D

The Confidential Story

Early development across the stack: living in stilt houses

In the second session of the Confidential Story, we will cover the adoption of the Confidential Compute stack which, at the time of this abstract submission, is not yet fully up streamed in the Linux Kernel, QEMU, or in the Kata and Confidential Containers projects.

Kata and Confidential Containers projects are two of the main consumers of the Confidential Compute stack, and aim to leverage it in the Cloud Native ecosystem, relying heavily on the work presented during the first part of this session. The Kata and Confidential Containers teams at Intel worked closely with distributions to make the development process easier and efficient for both developers and adopters of those projects.

We will cover the challenges of building a reasonable upper stack for early adopters, and doing so on top of moving pieces. We will show that working with moving parts is actually normal, and that collaboration is the way to make sure that a solution will be ready without many delays from the moment that the foundation is solid.

See also: Presentation slides (5.6 MB)

Fabiano Fidêncio is a clumsy code janitor who happened to work as software engineer, and has a strong passion for easing the usability of the projects he works on. He's been working on the Kata Containers project for the past 3 years, and has been involved with Confidential Containers since its embrionary stages.

Mikko is a cloud software architect at Intel’s Cloud Software Engineering team. He comes with an embedded Linux and operating systems engineering background but has most recently worked on security related topics in confidential computing/containers and cloud infrastructure. He has given presentations in Linux foundation events, such as Cloud Native Security Con NA 2022 and Confidential Computing Developer Summit ‘21. In his free time, he enjoys ultra distance sports and sailing.