lernOS Convention 2021

OpenSpace Agility for Learning Organization Development
2021-06-24 , Bühne
Language: English

Open Space Technology is an invited, whole-group event design that generates A LOT of organizational learning with very little effort. The entire event is self-organized and self-managed.

Organizations try to improve through attempts at "transformation," but they FAIL when those effected opt-out, disengage and yes, even RESIST the uninviting, mandated change.

OpenSpace Agility sidesteps these problems by combining periodic & invited whole-group Open Space Technology events with iterations of enterprise change. Each iteration of 45 to 90 days begins and ends with an invited, whole-group Open Space event.

In this session you will learn what OpenSpace Agility is, how it generates A LOT of org-level learning, and how to begin using it to bring healthy change and org-level learning to your entire organization.

Learn more and prepare to engage in this session, atL: http://www.OpenSpaceAgility.com

See also:

I’m a teacher, consultant and author in the organizational-change space. With my books and workshops, I teach and coach executives in very specific ways to quickly and predictably get real and lasting results, by encouraging self-management at scale. Because self-management is what actually scales, not your framework or method.

My session on OpenSpace Agility explains how to use iterative Open Space Technology events, scheduled about 45 top 90 days apart, to create well-defined "chapters" of organizational learning. You'll also generate lots of employee engagement in change, and bring strong results overall in your transformational change programs.