Gary Howard - Intel

I have been working in the ASIC design/verification industry for over 25 years on projects ranging from military to AI to implantable devices. I'm honored and excited to have joined Intel Blockscale ASIC team as System Architect in Jul 2022. I was introduced to Bitcoin in 2018 and started getting involved in off-grid mining projects in 2019 and have been mining personally at various scales every since.


ASIC’s: What They Are, Where They Are Made, How They Are Used
Marty Bent - Standard Bitcoin, Zack Voell, Kristian Csepcsar - Braiins, Gary Howard - Intel

ASIC's are the computers that secure the bitcoin network and consume all that electricity. But what are they? How does their supply chain work? How are mining companies deploying these specialized chips? You might not leave this session an expert, but you will be dangerous.

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