Flare Gas Mining: Decentralization, Emission Reduction, Margin Expansion
2023-01-13 , Main Hall

What does a flared gas mining operation look like? How is it similar and different to industrial mining? How do the cost structures compare? How big is the TAM for this business model? What kind of environmental impact will this have?

David is the co-founder and co-Executive Director of the Bitcoin Policy Institute, a think tank studying the future of money. Before BPI, he was the Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Bitcoin Magazine. David is a Visiting Fellow at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity and studied political science at the University of Alabama.

Owner Upstream Data, design, build and sell bitcoin mining facilities for oil and gas applications

Brent Whitehead is the Co-Founder of Giga Energy. Giga reduces flaring by deploying onsite power generation and bitcoin data centers. Giga focuses on being a vertically integrated flare gas bitcoin mining company by building in-house generators and data centers for capturing flared and stranded gas. Brent comes from an oil background, which led him to a career in the energy space. Brent attended Texas A&M University, where he studied Industrial Distribution.

Troy Cross is Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Reed College his teaching and research centers on foundational questions in metaphysics and epistemology. Prior to coming to Reed, he held positions at Yale and Oxford. Cross has been involved in bitcoin independently since 2011, cultivating interest in a number of bitcoin-related issues in that time, most of all, the question of bitcoin mining’s environmental impact and its role in our evolving energy landscape.