You suddenly receive a call from your credit card company about your monthly payment. The call startles you because you are pretty sure you are in the clear and there is no payment pending! But to your aghast, the company sends you a mail about your recent transactions and you find that you now own Bitcoins! Sunday afternoon is not the same for you as you are the latest victim of identity theft. This session invites people to share experiences of their past or of someone they know with an attempt to explore how the internet uses their identity and misleads them. A few online activities will be arranged to give the participants a hands-on touch of how AI has the power to save the world from Identity Theft!.
It is always great to have a larger group of people to share your views and get a lot of ideas and views although a less number of people brings richness and more depth to a subject. Hence, for me both the situations are a great opportunity in itself and shouldn't have an impact on the quality of the discussion.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:The participants can join the Privacy Campaign where they can contribute, share or even have a session virtually on it. Also, I am planning to organize a Privacy week, where we can share tips and tricks, stories or even facts as well! Monthly meets can be planned where everyone can share their views on the Privacy topics and even activities as well!
What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:To make everyone aware about Identity theft, how it prevails and how AI can help in it to protect from it. Attendees will learn how to avoid being a victim of the Identity theft and what is to be done when one becomes a victim of it.
I am a Web Dev, Open-Source Contributor and a Mozillian.