This workshop will be a chance for participants to learn how to make zines and to contribute to a MozFest Zine Library which we will be building over the course of the festival. In this interactive session we will create our own zines, see examples of zines from around the world and talk about how we can share them with each other.
Maybe you’d like to teach a trick in Fortnite? Or explain which is the best Pokemon? Maybe you want to respond to something you’ve heard at MozFest? Or draw pictures to entertain your dog? Help us create a library of MozFest zines! Join us!
See links for slide presentation. This material is hosted on a third party site.
We’re excited no matter the number of people who would attend. One workshop coordinator is well versed in running zine workshops and has done so in a wide variety of settings. The other workshop coordinator has taught large groups and small groups. We’re up for whatever comes and excited to make zines alongside whomever joins us!
What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:-
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:We are looking to create a zine library for the time of MozFest’s online festival. We’d like to co-create this with the participants ideas for how this zine library could work but so far we’ve thought of creating : hashtags on social media, creating a place to upload them safely, some sort of website where we can share links and/or pictures and open times when folks can read/share them with each other on zoom.
Founder of Open Post Academics, lover of stories, data and tea.