This invite-only, wrap-up session is a casual conversation for funders + philanthropists to share their favorite MozFest highlights, learnings, and ideas for collaboration and partnership on making trustworthy AI real. What excited you most? How can we work together? Hosted by Mozilla Executive Director Mark Surman and VP Global Programs J. Bob Alotta.
Reach out to Jessie Keating on Mozilla's Partnership Team for an invite!
Mozilla Fundraising team is planning a pre-MozFest Intro session for institutional funders only to the Trustworthy AI whitepapers, then curating paths through MozFest workshops, fireside chats, and D+Ds for funders to follow according to their interests surfaced in the intro session. We will host THIS session toward the end of MozFest to round funders back up, discuss what they learned, what peaked their interest and brainstorm ways to collaborate on critical aspects of Trustworthy AI across the funder ecosystem.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:We plan to follow up individually with each attending funder to gauge interest in having a 1;1 with MOzilla exec and/or collaborating on our initiatives.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:No issues with a small or larger group. We usually get 20-30 reps from foundations attending MozFest
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