In 2019, Council of Europe (CoE) set up Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI). CAHAI is tasked to identify potential regulatory frameworks for AI in Europe. This is viewed as a standard-setting process globally, with many actors already directly involved. But many voices are missing in this debate. CAHAI will begin final consultation process early 2021, with last chance to input regulatory standard setting. ECNL, on behalf of the CoE Conference of International NGOs (CINGO) is one of the members of this Committee, and helps provide and coordinate civic input. We wish to bring the discussion to MozFest participants and explore most important issues to be included for regulatory considerations. Here is a chance to have direct say into the content of the future regulation.
Mail goal of this session is jointly contributing input towards framing the creation of an enabling environment for digital manifestation of rights and freedoms by supporting CAHAI discussions on regulatory framework discussion and coherence of recommendations on global and regional level. Participants will gain insight into the process and draft itself for future regulatory framework and be able to submit direct input.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:ECNL will commit to engage the audience and participants before the session, and to collect all submitted input from the participants before, during and after this session for the CAHAI draft and process. We will provide follow up information and report back on further CAHAI developments and regulatory efforts to the interested participants. We will also encourage participants to connect with national level consultation processes in their countries - members of the Council of Europe, by providing additional guidance for participation. Additionally, we will integrate the learning into our ongoing legal work by formulating legal safeguards for protecting environmental activists with international organisations beyond CAHAI (UN, EU) and national governments.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:We plan an an interactive discussion where everyone can contribute based on their knowledge and experience and learn from others . This means we will need tools for simultaneous work and collaborative input before, during and after the session. Likewise, if we have 3-5 participants, we will keep discussion in one group. We will make sure that the event is accessible and safe for everyone. For example, we will provide introduction to the topic material and easy-to-understand summaries of the consultation topic, to be disseminated before the start of the session.
Juliana Novaes is a researcher in digital rights. She is
currently part of the Youth Observatory and an Internet of Rights Fellow at ARTICLE 19.
Mozilla Fellow and PhD Candidate at the University of Cambridge
Thinking about trustworthy machine learning
Job Spierings is Head of Programme of team Code at Waag.