Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Resisting surveillance in public spaces through creative experiences

To resist surveillance in public spaces we first have to make it tangible. With our 'low tech canvas against high tech surveillance' we want to make the 'invisible' visible and start a discussion on the use of AI in public space. The canvases challenge people to become a digital explorer of their city and see their neighborhood in a new light. Join our workshop and help us test out and localize these canvasses and explore issues around facial recognition, thermal imaging, and Wi-Fi tracking.

Try out our canvasses at home by downloading from our website and join us for this fun and interactive workshop. Where we will discuss peoples experience, observations, and comments to improve our product – all while resisting AI in public spaces.

How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:

Depending on the group size we can either choose to have one conversation or have several break out groups.

We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:

The Low Tech Canvasses Against High Tech surveillance is something I created during my Mozilla Fellowship, it is important for me to see it get a life on its own. Where we as the community can test it out, play with this idea of information transfer and find new avenues for intervention. Exploring surveillance in public spaces is also one of the topics across the European Digital Rights Movements, it will be important to contribute to this discussion

Fieke is a researcher and practitioner on issues related to technology, autonomy, power, and human rights. She is a Mozilla fellow and a PhD candidate at the Data Justice Lab.