Tools for using machine learning to generate synthetic media are becoming more and more accessible. How are coordinated groups using synthetically-generated media and other media manipulation tactics to mislead and cause harm in society? How are researchers and digital platforms attempting to detect these media? And finally, how can we use AI technology responsibly for art and activism?
This will be an interactive discussion, in which we'll explore case studies of synthetically-generated media in art, activism, industry, and society together. We'll highlight and discuss the ways in which AI can be used for good or bad, and all of the nuances in between-- for example, the ways in which a seemingly-harmless, benevolent use case can be repurposed by bad actors. Finally, we'll talk about best practices when using AI, especially for individual AI practitioners training their own networks.
This project/idea of responsible AI best practices is a project that we've been developing for a while, and it will definitely continue! There will be blogposts and future talks.
We hope to write a blogpost about this session and post it on the Partnership on AI blog.
For specific example, we're already maintaining a living document of resources, based on suggestions from participants and our learnings from sessions like this! Here's the document:
It's meant to serve as a guide when it comes to using AI responsibly. We'll invite participants to contribute to it, and later we hope to compile the learnings in a guide or blogpost later!
We hope to split people into breakout rooms of about 3-4 people. The session will be organized in such a way that we present a case study or topic, and then we'll split out to discuss and brainstorm our thoughts.
Lia Coleman is an artist and AI researcher based in Puebla, Mexico. She makes art with AI, and teaches others how to do it!, twitter:@lialialiacole, IG:@liacole7
Emily Saltz is a Research Fellow at Partnership on AI exploring labels for manipulated media.
Claire Leibowicz leads the AI and Media Integrity Program at the Partnership on AI. She is also a Journalism Fellow at Tablet Magazine.