What “creepy” personal information is available in public datasets? In our last creepathon, students explored a public dataset and you'll be shocked what was found.
Learn from the winning students at CODAM, coding college in Amsterdam, as they present revealing stories found within this Venmo dataset and recommendations or policies they would implement to protect user privacy.
Codam is planning to continue this as a hackathon series
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:With a smaller group, Codam students can be more hands-on when sharing their work. Since all their data viz implementations will be open source, students can help attendees reproduce work.
What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:- Bring creepathon attendees (Amsterdam local students) to the festival
- Give Codam students a platform to share their work
- Tie in with our partner event with Codam
Temi leads developer-focused strategy at the Mozilla Foundation around MozFest and Trustworthy AI.