Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Inclusive Creative Design - Co-create with the IE Research Team an outline for inclusive creative spaces online and in person.

Inclusive Environment Research Team and Project
6 Step Creative Process
Break into virtual breakout rooms. Each room has a facilitator from the IE research team that guides the attendees through an exercises on the following topics, using online whiteboards:
Topic 1 Pandemic Effect
Discuss the challenges and opportunities and how creative work has changed during the pandemic.
How have you adapted your creative work processes during the pandemic?
Topic 2 Environment
Discuss environments where you feel most creative. How would you curate your creative environment.
Topic 3 Emotion.
What emotional states do you associate with making creative progress?
Topic 4 6 Senses
Understanding our awareness. How are senses affect creativity.
CLOSING (12mins) ALL
Summary from exercise and shared output
Chat Question ALL

We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:

Output from the session will provide factors that are influential in the establishment of creative environments that welcome neuro-diverse people and identify conditions for effective creative work across real-world and screen-based environments. To provide Mozilla community with research to create a guide or framework to design environments that deliver a great experience and exceed expectations.

What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:

This session aims to illuminate how neurotypical and neurodiverse people and teams have adapted their creative work processes during the pandemic in order to create a framework for continued creative effectiveness across remote and in-person work settings and how ensure these environments enable everyone to reach their full potential

How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:

If there are 3 participants we will stay in one space, if we have the capability and there are 30 participants we will breakout into facilitated break out rooms of 7-8 people.

Architect and Transformation Consultant. Passionate about universally accessible and inclusive workspace. Enhancing experience that enables everyone to reach their full potential through evidence based and human centric design.

My Name is Jack Fitzpatrick and I have a diagnosis of Autism and Dyspraxia. I am currently a student at Liverpool John Moores University studying Education Studies and Inclusion.