Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Decentralised Data Unions for Others

Those who are routinely overlooked in the creation of new tech products are bought into the fore with a new decentralised Data Union product, ‘Controlr’. This project focuses on marginalised people as primary users and will explore how to build tech for non traditional audiences and the importance of inclusive design.

Participants will be asked to map their own work, family and social networks to identify opportunities to intervene for the benefit of racial justice and equality. We will also explore decentralised, inclusive governance structures and define practical ways to build equitable futures for all.

This will be a highly participatory and engaging session best accessed from a laptop or desktop device. Come play!

What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:

The goal is to highlight tech that gives power to the marginalised.

The outcome is to gain a wider understanding of practical steps to take and to build alternative ways forward

We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:

Creating new online communities of do-ers as opposed to talkers.

Establishing networks to build more ‘other’ centred products and to create a ‘thought leader’ forum with avenues to activism in the wider, political and legal spheres.

How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:

The number of participants are not as important as the quality.

I always find not leaving all attendance to chance is the best approach.

The event will be organised as an unofficial panel so some participants will be invited and attendance arranged beforehand to contribute to certain aspects of the workshop.

For example there will be a participant to cover inclusive design; one for alternative governance and one for racial justice in tech. This will mitigate any awkward silences and guarantee the session is successful.

We always prepare for a fully functioning engaging session and do not leave attendance purely to chance.

Award winning artist, researcher and entrepreneur. Currently a Radical xChange Fellow and researcher at the South West Creative Technology Network where she founded CONTROLR, an inclusive decentralised Data Union.

F.L.Y.P Consulting