“Information” showcases the threats created by the appalling misuse of modern technology in an ideological fight legitimised by the false dichotomy of freedom vs security. It shifts the representational power from discourse dominating white men towards the expertise of women and people of colour. It explores the connection between racism and surveillance, from social, political and historical standpoints.
Aditi Gupta, Dr Arata Takeda, Aral Balkan, Dr Constanze Kurz, Hossein Derakhshan, Jillian C. York, Mathana Stender, Maryant Fernández Pérez, Mishi Choudhary, Prof. Yasmin Jiwani
English & German with Subtitles in both languages
The documentary was realised without official funding, but with the amazing support of lovely people!
I would like this film to spur discussions and involvement. I made this film with no official funding and only had a few people who believed in it support it. Since the Internet is still a place for participation and makes it possible to engage in a myriad of ways, this discussion can continue and it can highlight how easy it is to get in touch with civil society and that activism actually works.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:This is a film screening which is followed by a discussion. I would have an open discussion round if there are 3 people attending, but if it is 30 I would offer them to go into groups, debate specific topics of the film - such as the role racism plays in surveillance, how anti-muslim racism has become more prevalent since 9/11 and how it affects law making in the EU - and then have a short presentation of the ideas of the groups after a while.
Documentary filmmaker & trained historian. Passionate about data security, human rights, privacy and science fiction.
Currently working as an assistant in the European Parliament.