In this interactive and engaging session, we will try to unravel the phenomenon ‘binge watching’ - the obsessive act of excessively consuming online visual content up to the point of depletion. Together we will unravel a set of questions behind this phenomenon (from ‘what do I binge-watch’ to ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘where’) and participants can share the possibly ‘unhealthy’ aspects to this phenomenon they may experience. With this deeper understanding of the phenomenon, in smaller groups, participants will come up with diverse, creative, innovative, simple or weird (everything is welcome!) hacks that could act as a cure for these ‘unhealthy’ behaviours (f.e. a short yoga-for-the-tired-eye session, which will be included if time allows). Leaving the session, participants should have access to a large amount of hacks to experiment with. The results will eventually be presented in a ‘guide to hack your binge-watching behaviour’.
By building an understanding of the various behaviours identified as binge watching, I hope to first of all create collective awareness among the participants to critically review their online diet during and after the session, which they can also share with people outside of MozFest. Additionally, by creatively brainstorming about radical, innovative and experimental cures to hack and disrupt the binge watching phenomenon, I hope to collectively build an online toolkit of possible hacks that we can then share online for the MozFest community. Depending on the results, some of these hacks I may then incorporate in my broader artistic research project on binge watching.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:By working with silent brainstorming on the Miro whiteboard software, I will create a way for everybody to share if they feel like sharing. By breaking out into smaller groups for the brainstorm phase, participants can focus on one or two potential hacks/cures and discuss in depth. Because of this breakout sub-session, the group size can be flexible; the larger the group, the more breakout sessions there will be - keeping the average size of the breakout session the same (around 4 max). In case of a very low number of participants (less than 6), the breakout session can be hosted collectively. Additionally, depending on the group size, we can tailor the amount of in-depth experience sharing.
I'm an artistic researcher based in Amsterdam. I have a background in Media Technology, (digital) curating and (art) history. I'm interested in (online) visual culture.