Es requisito que los participantes lean dos cuentos de Julio Cortázar antes de asistir a esta sesión: "La Señorita Cora" ( y "La Salud de los Enfermos" ( Están disponibles en línea, y pueden estar disponibles en inglés en la biblioteca de tu barrio. Durante este encuentro, vamos a indagar cómo se presenta a las personas que gozan de buena salud y a las que no, cuáles son influencias culturales en las tareas de cuidado, y vamos a reflexionar qué podemos aprender de estas narrativas para aplicar a desarrollos tecnológicos.
The goal is to reflect on the space we give to people with disabilities in today's world, how we communicate with each other, and how to put others in the center before ourselves. While these stories were written 50 years ago, there is a lot they can teach us about human-centered tech; the goal is to draw that from the group discussion.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:If people are committed to continue reading fiction and want to start a book club, I'd be happy to facilitate that!
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:This discussion will be equally rich if one person comes, as if 30 people join. With less people present, we may be able to cover more topics.
María is from Buenos Aires, Argentina and lives in California since 2015. She worked for Wikimedia from 2013 to 2019; now at the Google OSPO, focusing on cloud native projects.