0°N 0°E is an invitation into a collective, technologically mediated memory of nature.
It refers to the coordinates where the Null Island is imagined to exist. The null value is
attributed when data is absent, thus all those images, files, registrations that are uploaded online
without specified geo-position, are erroneously associated with the location “0,0” by the software.
In this way, the Null Island becomes an archive of objects that don’t belong to any specific place
Moreover, the elements used come from archives from biologists, geologists, archeologists who
document specific locations and objects for survey and conservation. In this way, the work carries
as well an ecological question: how can natural environments be saved and preserved in a digital
This work is presented in collaboration with FIBER; an Amsterdam based platform and festival operating at the intersection of audiovisual art, technologie, ecology and performances. FIBER supports and presents emerging artistic makers and thinkers whose work offers innovative and critical perspectives on our rapidly changing world.
0°N 0°E retraces the cyber-myth of the Null Island through the format of worldbuilding; the video
is an immersive exploration of the island and its visual and sonic landscape. Employing the Null
Island as a metaphor, the project investigates how experience and knowledge is generated when
the only way to access nature is through a hypermediated modality.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:-
FIBER is an Amsterdam based platform and festival operating at the intersection of audiovisual art, technology, ecology and performances.