Tech4Good Echo dreams of building a Free, open, decentralised online platform for all stakeholders at government institutions and civil society organizations across India to co-create, learn and share crucial technology skills that can improve the quality, speed and impact of the important work they do.
Pre: Circulate problem statement and approach in the form of a video (3-5 minutes).
10 mins - Re- present the problem statement & approach to solve the problem. Quick Q&A for any questions of clarifications around the problem and approach.
30 mins - 4-5 Breakout Rooms of 5-6 participants each where participants will deep dive into the problem, identify problems/opportunities in the approach and help fine tune the solution. Host will provide facilitators (volunteers/friends) who will help guide, take notes etc in each break out room.
20 mins - Each breakout room will report back and share with Live white-boarding.
If around 30 attend - then i would split them into about 5 breakout rooms of 6 each.
if 3 attend - then it instead of break out rooms - we will use the room to do the same activity as a small group.
Tech4Good Echo has collaboration at the heart of it. It is important for collective wisdom that create eco-systems and move us away from ego-systems. I hope to create
1. An steering/advisory committee from participants based on their expertise, experience and availability who will guide tech4Good for the next 1 year
2. A group of volunteers who might be interested in co-creating the solution. esp providing tech expertise in building it out.
Mozilla Fellow. Empower organisations & changemakers to become confident & effortless with technology for social good. He dreams of a world with distributed capacity, opportunity and prosperity for everyone.