Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Out of My Face!: Using Public Records to Understand Government's Facial Recognition Use

Facial recognition’s use is growing. There are good odds a database already has your face. Government interest in AI use is expanding throughout policing, public benefits, and its other responsibilities, and grassroots activists are critical to keeping use of this tech in check. Public records can help them do that.

We’ll learn how to use freedom of information laws to demystify the what, why, and how of government’s technology. We’ll discuss facial recognition’s uses and abuses, the cities that have banned it and the countries that have made it an everywhere and everyday reality. This workshop will be an opportunity to share experiences, skills, and strategy (definitely no technical know-how needed). By comparing notes and concerns, we’ll leave more excited and prepared to consider what, in an ultra-connected society, transparent and responsible AI use can mean for our local and global communities.

What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:

People should leave the session feeling a bit of familiarity with how FOI laws work in the U.S., how they might compare to laws in other countries, and the kind of information on facial recognition they might expect to receive.

I hope people will share their privacy concerns and the particular challenges they encounter when engaging with government tech.

I'd also like people to brainstorm how we might use FOI and transparency laws in different areas to compel government and corporate responsibility when it comes to adopting facial recognition and other AI.

We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:

This session, I hope, will inspire individuals to file FOI requests to learn more locally and I would be very happy to be a resource for people as they go on to do so. I also imagine that participants will continue to compare notes with others working on facial recognition accountability and corporate accountability. Depending on the interest of participants, I will create a document for resources and the facial recognition requests that result from this session.

How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:

I think this session will work well regardless of the number of attendees. A smaller group will give us more opportunity to discuss individual experiences with FOI, facial recognition, and community challenges, allowing us more time to brainstorm resources or strategies. In a larger group, I imagine I will be more reliant on the chat function of Zoom to field questions.

Beryl Lipton, a U.S.-based journalist, has extensive experience with U.S. freedom of information laws. Her work is focused on criminal justice, policing, and government use of algorithms.