Bharatanatyam is a classical Indian dance form originating in Tamil Nadu, India. It consists of movements inspired from the sculptures found from history accompanied by classical music. It is a composition of science and art ties up with three elements: sentiments, melody and rhythm. The techniques are complex and require high skills to master them. It consists of 64 principles of coordinated hand, feet, face and body movements. The dancer has to express through movements the moods of passion, heroic sentiments, fear, anger, hatred, tenderness, laughter, amazement and peace. Several years ago this art was used in the form of communication through our actions. Today we use this art form to educate the benefits of Bharatanatyam through our actions and spread digitally. We will have an interactive session along with dance performance and I will explain theoretically about the performance and the technology aspect to further this traditional art.
Sharing the knowledge about the traditional dance form of India. Exploring opportunities of digital connect with traditional dance forms.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:Learn about various dance forms of the world through fellow participants and further take up the research on digital world using Bharatanatyam as the medium of outreach.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:The session will be made interactive and also allow participants to share about the dance forms which they find very interacting and also short discussions around what is the history/origin of these dance forms. Also the session would suit any number of participants as this will include performance/entertainment so any number of participants can attend the session. Also as this will run on remote I can connect with people after the session also in case of queries or discussions.
I am pursuing Computer Science Engg. and I also run a dance academy in India. I am a performing artist and a grade certificate holder, I connect technology with art.