If you’re a young person, or someone who cares about one, you know that they’ve got a lot to say. We want to know: what do they think about AI and ethics?
In this session, optimised for those aged 18 and under, we will be bringing together young people from across the world to discuss AI, its ethical implications, and what this means for equity and justice, both online and in the real world. We will be taking inspiration from KCJ's youth-focused response to the Mozilla Trustworthy AI Whitepaper: https://kidscodejeunesse.org/blog?b=2020-09-17-kcj-opinion-trustworthy-ai
Today’s young people are the first generation ever to grow up in a world so thoroughly influenced and manipulated by AI. As technology seamlessly integrates into our daily lives, young people need analytical skills to understand how it impacts the environment around them - and the tools to take a leading role in shaping how their world works.
We want to give young people a chance to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions.
With COVID-19 still looming over us, these virtual forums will bring together groups of kids together to connect and flex their brains with some big questions. It’s a chance to socialize, to practice leadership skills, but most importantly - to be heard.
We want to use these opinions to educate the government, industry, and society on what young people really think. Some examples include:
* Creating compilation videos of young people sharing their big ideas.
* Writing reports to share with the government, industry and other decision makers.
* A compilation of audio of big ideas to share with media outlets.
* Big ideas and inspiring quotes being shared on social media.
This will be the first in our second series of roundtables for young people, so we will be continuing these conversations on an ongoing basis. The ideas of the young people will also be driving our thought leadership strategy and shaping how we approach government and industry.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:We will have a number of facilitators ready for larger-than-anticipated sessions, and will use breakout rooms to manage larger groups.
Hannah is a storyteller at the intersection of the climate crisis, emerging technologies, and communities who will be impacted by them. She is Communications & PR Coordinator at Kids Code Jeunesse.