Art Camp is a homesome virtual art residency and gathering. Womxn and underrepresented artists investigate the possibilities of creating and inhabiting a virtual communal place with care, to cultivate this layer of our social fabric based on radical inclusion and cyber-intentionality. The residency accumulates in a bi-monthly Show & Tell event, when the artists guide visitors through their VR studios. Art Camp can be a bridge for those, whose practice is not rooted in digital media and for a diverse community with different voices and approaches. Art Camp was established as a sector of the Szívküldi Lakótelep, a virtual reality Social Housing Neighborhood, to serve the art community during the transitional and groundless period of physical distancing.
You can visit the studios anytime in the Art Camp Commons:
or find more info here:
I had to deal with this in former iterations of the Digital Doulas Workshops etc.
If there's only a few folks, there's space and time for everyone to engage in a group conversation. If there are 30 participants, I moderate a Q & A session at the end of the presentations.
I always turn on "Camera Mode" in Hubs so the session is available to watch from the lobby.
I would host the whole session in the Art Camp Commons, and change the scenes meanwhile so no attendees get lost between different links. In the Show & Tell events and for MozFest, I use a room that has no links for the same reason:
I'm interested in meaning making in social VR. The more diverse audience I have, the more obvious it gets where this project lacks animateness and when it becomes an empty pattern. This is a long term project that has various different shapes, forms, manifestations - it grows organically and I’m not sure what’s next but have a few ideas on my list:
Rebuild / continue building the Szívküldi Lakótelep in Hubs. I reserved parts for myself as a diary, using my drawings that I make during phone calls as the blueprints of conversation with the far away beloved ones. In Hubs, I can build these spaces specifically to facilitate these conversations, and invite my family and friends to hang in there. I’m curious how much connection can these spaces hold.
Create the Healing Circle: another new section that I’ve been planning for a couple of years.
The goal of Art Camp is to provide a social platform for a diverse art community. The more events / conversations / sessions we held in the "VR studios", the more alive it gets: growing the rememory layer of this part of our social fabric.
transdisciplinary mother<<
@Long Distance Somersaulter@Art Camp in the VR Social Housing Neighborhood for Digital Doulas