The purposes are (1) to identify and discuss some of the key issues involving the online experiences of the LGBTIQ+ and Women; and (2) to share and draft tools that help create a safer online environment for women and queer people.
The facilitators are involved in different projects on the rights of women and the LGBTIQ+ community in Latin America and also in youth-led projects that tackle these issues. The first part of the session will be a brief overview of the situation of women and LGBTIQ+ community and the presentation of tools to fight gender based violence.
Afterwards, attendees will be divided into groups and will be asked to share experiences and good practices used to tackle violence online.
In the last part of the session, groups will share the outcomes of the discussions to brainstorm the creation of a guide of best practices against discrimination.
The outcomes of this session can be divided into 2 groups: (1) the first being awareness raising and an opportunity to share ideas on the topic in the context of the Latin American region and (2) the second the drafting and release of a guide with best practices for feminist and LGBTIQ+ youth activists to work against gender based violence online by the session organizers.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:In regards to the first outome, the organizers and facilitators are actively involved in youth-led organizations and the discussions held at MozFest will serve as an opportunity to disseminate this topic in international events and also disseminate the outcomes at our regional and national organizations.
The second outcome will be a guide, which will be published in our organizations’ media and disseminated globally. This guide will be available for free for whoever is interested in this topic.
We will prepare the sessions to be up to 100 people given the capacity of the audio conferencing platforms. There will be an active facilitator paying attention to the questions asked by participants through the chat, and also the group activities will be designed to take into account the number of 25 participants approximately.
The number of breakout groups will be adapted to the number of participants.
If there are 30 we can make bigger groups. If it is only 3, we can do a single discussion group.
Communications and Cultural studies. Artivist in queer related issues. Head of the translation commission in the Youth SIG from ISOC. And part of the Queer in AI team.
Juliana Novaes is a researcher in digital rights. She is
currently part of the Youth Observatory and an Internet of Rights Fellow at ARTICLE 19.