Data is a driving force behind much of the web. We generate data at a breathtaking pace. Our most mundane actions — playing songs, checking the weather — are analyzed, collated, stored, sold, and used in ways that we can neither see nor imagine, becoming a potential windfall for the data economy. Though the technology that is used to commodify our data creates a sense of newness, the story of the data economy is a familiar one: data extracted from people and places is used to create capital that rarely stays near its source.
As with regular old capital, those who control and hold the most of it have power.
In this Science Fair, we are showcasing projects and prototypes that are redrawing the lines on data, shifting power away from big platforms who currently control how most of the data about us is managed and stored, back to consumers and communities. [Join us in Spatial Chat]
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:na
Temi leads developer-focused strategy at the Mozilla Foundation around MozFest and Trustworthy AI.