Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Mozilla Festival 2021 (March 8th – 19th, 2021)

Virtual Coding Music Band

This collaborative and fully interactive workshop will focus on teaching coding with the help of Sonic Pi. Sonic Pi is a code-based music creation tool that has been very useful and fun for young audiences to learn how to code, and enjoy making cool music for a long time!

Attendees will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned an instrument(drums, piano, etc). All of them combined will form a small band which will play music through code! In the entire process, I will be teaching them Sonic Pi and coding concepts from scratch along with guiding them to create the coolest band performance in MozFest 2021!

What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:

The goal of my session is to onboard the youth to the world of programming while enjoying it at the same time. The outcome is to get attendees introduced to the programming world so that they can understand coding concepts and can further explore it if they wish to.

We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:

After Mozfest, I am hoping to continue sharing Sonic Pi content with everyone. I will have a YouTube series that focuses on teaching more Sonic Pi and programming concepts so people who are interested in learning more about Sonic Pi can learn virtually.

I also have plans on forming a small community where people can share, help each other, and collaborate together on what they have made with Sonic Pi.

How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:

If there are 30 participants, I can divide them into groups of 6, where some will be in-charge of samples, some for drums, effects, strings, synths, etc.
If there are 3 participants, I can keep each of them in charge of some instrument. The overall concept and the session will remain unchanged without altering the interaction with the attendees.

A Developer looking for creativity and art in code who loves music and video games.