This workshop will describe the work of the Computing Ethics Narratives (CEN) project funded by Mozilla's Responsible Computer Science Challenge ( As a part of the workshop, participants will learn how to use a repository of fiction and non-fiction media resources (clips, articles, podcasts, images, etc.) to build lessons and modules for teaching computer science students about creating more inclusive technologies and the impact their work can have on society, both positive and negative. The facilitators will provide examples of current modules around this topic, module templates, and access to the repository for participants to leave with a draft lesson module addressing the topic of creating more inclusive and equitable technologies.
The CEN website and repository will allow participants to not only continue to use materials introduced in the workshop but will also encourage and provide incentives for participants to contribute their own new modules, narratives, and instructional materials to the CEN project for others to use.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:We will have several facilitators (3) ready to run breakout sessions during the portion of the workshop where participants are given a chance to explore the CEN repository and develop a draft module based on their own interests and needs.
Stacy Doore is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Colby College. Her research focuses on emerging assistive technologies, computing ethics, and broadening participation for underrepresented groups in computing.