When I asked our 9 year old daughter to come up with a topic for MozFest I wasn’t prepared for the amount of really good questions she fired back at me. She knows the internet is broken. She feels it’s not a safe place for children and above all she doesn’t understand why we haven’t fixed it yet.
My proposal is to coordinate crowdsourced, Streetwear Art by children around the world. PARTICIPATE: https://www.forkidsonline.org #KidsSafeOnline
- Can you visit https://forkidsonline.org please?
- You will find our short story and the free to download Streetwear Art #KidsSafeOnline
- Please send me and Milou an email with your feedback or ideas:
- Do you like the project? The streetwear art?
- Will you download the design? Share the design? Wear the design?
- Did you ever discuss a safe internet for kids with your family members?
- Did we spark of an idea? Are you motivated to somehow make the internet safer for kids?
Looking forward to read more about you!
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:We are more than happy to host the outcome and keep connecting with fans, activists and partners. Looking at the communities we already manage or have access to, we can share with many.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:The outcome (showcasing the art + making of + stories worth sharing) will be a asynchronous self-navigating experience. The success of the project towards MozFest can be scaled. We can handle thousands of participants around the world.
Media Tech entrepreneur. Board member Open Nederland. Passion for "open" business models. Support content creators with fair and sustainable opportunities. Ensure the internet remains open & accessible. #creativecommons #openaccess #openinternet