Queer pop musician Be Steadwell offers affirmation and meditation centering marginalized identities.
Steadwell offers a space for marginalized folks and allies to honor joy, grief, and peace. This session will include gratitude, breathing exercises, and interactive group affirmations music and meditations.
I'd love to record, or edit a version of the group affirmations and make the audio available to the participants after the session.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:One participant and 30 would both be beautiful experiences. I'd like to create an intimate space regardless of how many people show up.
What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:To give the participants permission to be calm, breathe, and feel their feels. In addition, I want to normalize meditation and affirmation for black, brown, queer, trans and disabled folks who may attend.
Be Steadwell is a musician from Washington DC. Be's goal as a musician is to make other black girls, queers and marginalized weirdos feel seen and loved.