In this session you will learn what a micro:bit is and take part in a live coding session. You will learn how to program a micro:bit using the virtual simulator so even if you don't have a micro:bit yet you can join in with the fun. We will learn how to program the microbit to create animations and add sounds. We will try and use the micro:bit to play a rock, paper, scissors. I will show all the other fun projects you can try yourself at home on the microbit website.
As I mentioned above, children can continue to work on the micro:bit ideas with all the exciting activities that are on the micro:bit website. I hope it might encourage some of the children to go and purchase a micro:bit to to continue exploring what is possible.
What is the goal and/or outcome of your session?:I wish children to get to greater understanding of how things arround them work. Micro controllers like the micro:bit are present in many things around the home. I want children to be able see what is possible with coding and that it is fun.
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:30 children can work at one time in the micro:bit classroom environment. I am a class teacher so I am happy teachig this number. Anymore children that I will have to start a second micro:bit classroom in order to see their work but that is still possible.
Children will be responding to the challenges I set them on so I don't see any problems with having a large number of attendees.
Breakout rooms could be useful if a few children need specfic help, but a lot can be done though IM.
Nic is a self confessed IT geek. He is a primary school class teacher. He is a massive fan of physical computing and robotics.